Sewer Protection Agreement Southern Water

Sewer Protection Agreement Southern Water: What is it and Why is it Important?

Maintaining good infrastructure is crucial for the smooth functioning of a society. One such piece of infrastructure that we often take for granted is our sewer system. Sewer systems help in disposing of waste and wastewater in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Southern Water, a leading water and wastewater company in the United Kingdom, offers a Sewer Protection Agreement to its customers. In this article, we discuss what the Sewer Protection Agreement is, and why it is important.

What is the Sewer Protection Agreement?

The Sewer Protection Agreement is essentially an insurance policy that covers the cost of clearing blockages or repairing damage to an individual`s private drain or sewer pipe that connects to the public sewer system. The agreement is offered by Southern Water to its customers for an annual premium of £78. This agreement covers any repairs or damages that might occur due to a blockage or breakage, such as tree root damage or accidental damage caused by digging or construction work.

Why is Sewer Protection Agreement important?

The Sewer Protection Agreement is an excellent way to ensure that you are not left with unexpected charges or repair bills in case of a blockage or damage. Here are a few reasons why the Sewer Protection Agreement is important:

1. Peace of mind: The Sewer Protection Agreement provides the customer with peace of mind, knowing that they are protected against unexpected repair costs.

2. Financial protection: The agreement covers the cost of any necessary repairs or clearing of blockages caused by damage to private drains or sewers that connect to the public sewer system. Without this agreement, customers could face significant repair costs.

3. Environmentally responsible: In case of a blockage or damage, a customer without the agreement might attempt to clear the blockage using harmful chemicals or equipment that could damage the environment. This could lead to bigger repair costs and potential environmental harm. The Sewer Protection Agreement provides customers with a safe and environmentally responsible solution.

4. Compliance: If you are a landlord, it is your responsibility to maintain the safe functioning of your property`s drainage, and the Sewer Protection Agreement provides you with a way to comply with this requirement.

In conclusion, the Sewer Protection Agreement provided by Southern Water is an essential investment that offers peace of mind and financial protection to customers. This agreement ensures that you are not left with unexpected costs in case of a blockage or damage to your private drain or sewer pipe that connects to the public sewer system. Additionally, this agreement provides an environmentally responsible and compliant solution to maintaining private sewer infrastructure.